Changes to Public Access to Greenmyres as Construction Work Starts
Changes to Public Access to Greenmyres as Construction Work Starts
HDT is delighted to announce that work is starting this week on Phase 1 of the family-friendly adventure tourism facilities at Greenmyres. These comprise a changing room/shower block, with ancillary drainage, paths, water supply and wastewater treatment system to support increased site usage. The work will be carried out by James Hall Joinery (JHJ). CRC Contractors will be installing a cycle pump track at the same time with all work scheduled to be complete by mid/late March 2024.
While this exciting development will be great for Huntly and District in the long-term, it does mean that access to Greenmyres will have to be restricted during the construction period to ensure the Health and Safety of all. HDT and JHJ will seek to retain as much public access to Greenmyres as is safe and practical. However, there will be times when access may not be possible at all, or severely restricted, especially in the shorter, darker days when visibility is poorer.
For now, as construction starts, the Greenmyres access situation is as follows:
- the car park remains open, as do the footpaths leading round the pond and the wider site.
- the external toilet and sink areas at the Ecobothy are now locked and inaccessible as they are part of the site’s welfare facilities for the contractor.
- booking enquiries for the Ecobothy are still welcome. We will assess these on an individual basis as site works progress. If you are interested, please contact us via
We will post updates via our social media channels as work progresses and the access situation changes. If you have any queries, please contact us on
Thank you for your understanding and for respecting the safety notices, fencing and our contractors. Thank you also to our funders, the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Fund enabled via Opportunity North East/North East Adventure Tourism.

Huntly Development Trust
Brander Building
The Square
AB54 8BR